February 14, 2008

State Board Endorseement in Texas

Texas State Board Member Mary Helen Berlanga gets the re-election endorsement of her local paper.


Writes the Caller-Times, “We say the voters have been lucky because Berlanga has been a voice of reason on a 15-member board that has been, off and on, riven by ideologues with their own agenda. She has been a steady influence for professionalism in education. Without Berlanga on the board, along with those members who are allied to her side, you can be sure there would have been much mischief made with public education in Texas…


Berlanga for more than two decades has been a steady influence for the mainstream education professionals and classroom teachers. She pushed to keep spelling textbooks in the elementary grades. She has opposed efforts to politicize the Texas Education Agency as well as the State Board of Education. Her continued presence on the board could be critical as ideologues seek to gain an advantage and control what schoolchildren are taught in Texas classrooms.”