June 26, 2007

Priscilla Haden WV SBE to Serve ECS

From the ECS press release - Priscilla Haden was named to the Executive Board of the National Center for Learning and Citizenship (NCLC) at the Education Commission of the States (ECS) on June 6, 2007. Haden is a member of the West Virginia State Board of Education and a committed advocate for citizenship education. She recently served on the Study Group of the National Association of State Boards of Education's national report Citizens for the 21st Century: Revitalizing the Civic Mission of Schools.


 "NCLC is indeed fortunate to have Priscilla Haden as a board member," said NCLC director Terry Pickeral. "Her leadership, experience, knowledge and commitment to ensuring all students gain the competencies for 21st-century citizenship are consistent with the goals and strategies of NCLC."


NCLC is a national center, within ECS, focused on citizenship education, service-learning, arts in education and disaster preparation, and is led by a 21-member board.


NCLC focuses on increasing policy support, quality practices and infrastructure to ensure every student in America has an opportunity gain civic competencies through school and community-based activities.